Who I Am


Join us as we study the book of Ephesians, and see how it points to knowing your identity in Christ. “Paul's letter to the Ephesians is a well-loved book of the Bible that teaches some of the most important lessons of faith: who you are in Christ, how you are to live as His follower, and how to gain victory in the spiritual battles you face. Joyce's new series provides key Biblical commentary that will help you develop a stronger relationship with God. If you take the time to study His word, you'll see how much He loves you and who you are in His image. Change will come, and your life will bear the good fruit that God intends!”


Location: LifeWay Church

Day and Time: Every other Monday at 6:30 PM starting February3rd
Materials: Ephesians by Joyce Meyers

LifeWay Church - Newington CT - Life Groups - Laura Gambino

Facilitator: Laura Gambino