Do you want to transform and deepen your marriage today?

Get ready for a Marriage Workshop like no other!  T.A.L.K. your way to intimacy is not your typical gathering - it's a vibrant, relevant and faith-filled experience designed specifically for  couples navigating the adventure of marriage in today's world.  Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom of Christian values and apply them to our modern lives.

Workshop Detail

Registration /Child care info

Registration is $35 per couple and includes:


  ~T.A.L.K Your Way To Intimacy book written by Pastor         Joel Rissenger

   ~A delicious lunch

Childcare is available for $20 per child  and includes:

  ~Safe and loving childcare



Worskshop Agenda

8:30 -9:00am:  check-in, coffee and light breakfast

9:00 -10:00am:  Session One

10:00 - 11:00am:  Session Two

11:00 - 12:00pm:  Breakout groups

12:00 - 1:00pm:  Lunch and Q&A

Event Information


 Saturday April 13th, 2024


8:30 am - 1:00 pm


 LifeWay Church

2172 Berlin Turnpike

Newington, CT

Key Features:

Engaging talks: hear from our dynamic conference leaders who understand the challenges and joys of marriage.  

Interactive Breakout sessions

Relationship building activities


What to Expect:

When you arrive you will be greeted by our friendly staff who will help you check in.  We have safe and loving childcare available upon registration  for your kiddos birth through 5th grade.      
We will have coffee, tea, soft-drinks and snacks available at arrival and throughout the workshop.   Our speakers will provide several breaks and many opportunities to connect with others.  We will also provide lunch for you and your children that have registered for childcare.

Meet Our Speakers

Joel and Karen Rissinger

Karen has served in ministry with her husband for over 30 years. She is also a licensed School Psychologist where she has served local Boards of Education. Married for almost 40 years, she is a mother to two adult children and two adorable grandchildren and two wonderful foster grandchildren. In addition to her degree in School Psychology from the University of Hartford, Karen has a BA in Theology from Ambassador College.

.Karen has served dozens of couples using the Prepare-Enrich marriage coaching program. She also serves as a Field Shepherd with Standing Stone Ministry, providing support to pastors, ministry leaders, and their families in the US, Canada, Namibia, and Zambia.

 In addition to his role as Shepherd with Standing Stone Ministries, Pastor Joel Rissinger is the President of The Rissinger Resource Group, LLC & Joel Rissinger Ministries, LLC. He’s also a certified speaker and coach with the John Maxwell Group and a Founding Pastor of LifeWay Church in Newington, Connecticut.  Pastor Joel served as a certified instructor for Prepare-Enrich and has used that counseling program with dozens of couples in his ministry. He’s the author of several books and has graduate degrees in Religion and Religious Education from Liberty University in VA.  More importantly, he has been married to Karen Rissinger, for 40 years. Together, they have two adult children, an awesome son-in-law, to awesome foster grandbabies, and two beautiful granddaughters.