Toddler playing with chalk

At two years old, your child is ready for our Toddler Center. By now you’ve probably heard the old cliche of the “terrible twos”. At LWLC, we understand that this is an age appropriate normal state in every child’s development. We help the children (and parents) cope with frustrations that go along with these behaviors. But don’t let the kids fool you, being two is not all about temper tantrums and saying “NO”. The wonder and curiosity they have about the world is truly amazing. Because of this, we begin to broaden their learning resources, lengthen circle time, introduce science and hands-on activities, and we even start to schedule in-house field trips.


By far, parent’s favorite part of their child being in our Toddler Center is the potty training! Here at LWLC, we help you and your toddler begin potty training by setting up a personal care plan that works best for your child. With the help of consistency, repetition, praise, and following their friends, we can have your toddler out of diapers and celebrating their success.

Toddler playing with chalk
Toddler on playground